Saturday, May 31, 2008

Camp issues

Due to certain reasons, I will post up the things to bring list here so that those who lost theirs or did not received them can take note.

Things to Bring:
1.)Undergarments 4 + 1 Pairs
2.) T-shirts 5 Pieces ( 1 Black, 1 PE)
3.) Shorts 4 + 1 pair
4.) Socks 4 + 1 pair
5.) Shoes 2 pair (1 for kayaking)
6.) Slipper/Sandal 1 pair
7.) Toiletries : 1 set
a.) Shampoo
b.) Soap
c.) Toothpaste
d.) Toothbrush
e.) Sanitary Pad
f.) Comb
8.) Toilet Roll 2 roll
9.) Towel 1 Big
1 Small
1 Rag
10.) Torchlight with batteries
11.) Water bottle (min 1000ml)
12.) Utensil (Fork & Spoon)
13.) Plates & Mug
14.) Ez-link Card
15.) Pen
16.) Notebook
17.) Sunblock lotion (optional)
18.) Cap (optional)
19.) Titbits
20.) Sleeping Bag
21.) Plastic for Soil clothes
22.) Personal medication
23.) Insect Repellent (optional)

Dear Girl Guides,

I was very disappointed with a couple of cadets who refused to cooperate with the leaders. The leaders and I are trying our best to make this camp a successful one but yet some of cadets refuse to pick up our calls, did not turn up despite being told to meet, did not call back despite being told to.

Perhaps, I have not brought my message clear but everyone should consider on people's effort. It can be little but it really helps a lot. You should not just be sitting on the couch, waiting for the leaders, ACL and I to get things for you. Everyone is busy and so it helps if everyone put in some effort. You cannot expect the leaders to keep calling you or just wait until a leader calls you because the leaders are not as free as you think they are. They are busy with supplementary lessons. You know that there's a camp coming so get moving and call your leader. I'm sure everyone has the list of phone no. right?

Or you should have at least inform us earlier if you are not able to turn up or whatsoever. I will discuss about this matter as soon as everyone comes back and do not even consider of skipping any of the sessions because ACL and I are taking this matter seriously since some of cadets do not seem to be understanding the importance of unity despite being told millions of time.

As for the rest of you, I'm very happy that you actually cooperated with your leaders, informing us before hand if you are not coming and etc. Trust me, we really appreciate that because at least we know what is going to happen, who's coming and who's not. Plus, I'm also very proud of those girls who went to the Health Zone course because I heard that none of you girls turn up late and you girls have made Miss Chan happy. Keep it up too! If the whole Girl Guides continue to put our best behaviour and we will be the most disciplined, most sporting, the ultimate best among the best uniform group in Yuhua Sec. Woohoo! :D

Speaking of which, our ex-member, Jody met me recently and told me about the feedbacks that she heard from our schoolmate, they said that Girl Guides have really change over the years, we have become more disciplined and infact better than some of the other uniform groups. So you see girls, if we continue to work hard, putting our heart and soul in everything we do, motivating and supporting each other, I'm sure we would be best. Keep up the good name and don't bring us, Miss Chan, Mdm Geja and the sec 4s, down okay?

Anyway, I'll see you girls tomorrow. Please do not be late because you will be very lost if you do. Report at the parade ground near to the canteen in your patrols at 12 noon sharp in your PE shirt and shorts. Please do not bring any electrical devices because we will confiscate it to prevent any stealing cases to happen. &I'll see you girls tomorrow. :D

With much love and concern,
Company Leader Siti Hajjar

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