Sunday, April 27, 2008

Exciting June Holiday Activities

First and foremost, we have raised a total of 758 dollars in total for the walkathon! Good work! Although we did not hit our target of 50 per girl, I would say most of us have given in our best effort to raise the fund. (Those of you who gave us just $2 out of your own pocket, please reflect and think about the rationale of having the donation card. If one could afford $5 to buy KFC, why not help others with the little that we have?)

Come June Holidays is going to be very exciting for us. Please mark these dates on your calendar and plan your activities accordingly.

1) 20th to 22nd May: 10 girls guides (forming a group with 10 NCC boys) will follow the Sec 2 to a post-exam camp at Johore as part of our "overseas camp initiative". You will be given additional CCA points to participate in the camp. The campsite is going to be resort-like with air-con. There will also be many adventuous activities like mountain trekking to look for water falls.

2) 26th May: Healthy Lifestyle Course Badge

3) 2nd to 4th June: Girl Guides Camp in School

4) 13th June: Heritage Trail by ZhongHua Secondary

5) 21st June: Walkathon + Competitions

At the same time, I would like to remind all girls that our activities are very important to us. Your selfishness or absence in a certain event may cost us to lose our GOLD award. We have lost the Silver award last year, let's be united and bring upon pride to both ourselves and the school. Bear in mind that all our courses (Batik, rock climbing etc)cost us a lot of money. If you cannot commit yourself, do not sign up. Otherwise, all of us will have to bear the cost of all the courses we attend next time. These courses are a privilege to us, so please do not abuse this.


Anonymous said...

Ms Chan, I don't think that I can go to the walkathon on 21st June coz it is on Saturday.........Sorry

Anonymous said...

Can you try to make some arrangements with your piano lessons on that day?

Anonymous said...

but i m going to have my piano exam soon............