Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Some Updates..

First and foremost, we congratulate Hidaya, Shivani and Siuting to be our new leaders! I am pretty sure they will do a very good job!

Can we have some of the photos we have taken at the POP? Hajjar, can you upload for us when you are free?

Photoshoot on 31/7/08 (Thurs)

Tomorrow is our phototaking session. Ms Chan will make an annoucement in the morning to remind all girls to come out of your class at 1250pm for you to tie your hair and dress up for the photoshoot.


Hidaya, Shivani and Siuting will inform you of the details for this year's cookie sale! There will be new and exciting tins!! For every 5 tins you sell, you will earn a cookie's badge this year! Try to sell 5 tins each at least!

Other exciting events

1) Hort Walk on 15th Aug
2) Hot air balloon on 22nd Aug
3) Shuqun Pri and Jurongville Sec collaboration with us for guides' activities on 12th Sep
4) SPCA visit on 17th Oct

NDP rehearsals 2008

1/8 : First Rehearsal (Reserves must attend also!)
6/8: 2nd Rehearsal

This Friday's Meeting

Meet at 2pm. Look out for annoucements by our new CL and ACLs! They have just informed me of the exciting activity they have in stall for you.


We will have our kayaking one-star course instead. The Wu-shu has not been very cooperative.. So stay tuned for more details.

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