Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Some Updates..

First and foremost, we congratulate Hidaya, Shivani and Siuting to be our new leaders! I am pretty sure they will do a very good job!

Can we have some of the photos we have taken at the POP? Hajjar, can you upload for us when you are free?

Photoshoot on 31/7/08 (Thurs)

Tomorrow is our phototaking session. Ms Chan will make an annoucement in the morning to remind all girls to come out of your class at 1250pm for you to tie your hair and dress up for the photoshoot.


Hidaya, Shivani and Siuting will inform you of the details for this year's cookie sale! There will be new and exciting tins!! For every 5 tins you sell, you will earn a cookie's badge this year! Try to sell 5 tins each at least!

Other exciting events

1) Hort Walk on 15th Aug
2) Hot air balloon on 22nd Aug
3) Shuqun Pri and Jurongville Sec collaboration with us for guides' activities on 12th Sep
4) SPCA visit on 17th Oct

NDP rehearsals 2008

1/8 : First Rehearsal (Reserves must attend also!)
6/8: 2nd Rehearsal

This Friday's Meeting

Meet at 2pm. Look out for annoucements by our new CL and ACLs! They have just informed me of the exciting activity they have in stall for you.


We will have our kayaking one-star course instead. The Wu-shu has not been very cooperative.. So stay tuned for more details.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Passing out Parade

Please note that our Sec 4/5 passing out parade is on the 25th July 2008. At the same time, we will also be having our enrolment ceremony.

After much deliberation, both Ms Geja and myself do not agree to letting our girl guides stay overnight in our school for POP(staying over is exceptional to camping purposes only). Both Ms Geja and Ms Chan have other commitments on 25th July as well, so there will not be any teachers around to stay with you.

However, please do not let this dampen your spirits for POP! Let's us thank our seniors for all their contributions to GG so far and show them our utmost appreciation!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Girl Guides Phototaking on the 30th July

Dear girls,

The girl guides are scheduled for phototaking on the 30th July (Thurs) at 1pm. Please bring your full uniform (scarf, belt, whistle, white shoes and socks) on the day. This photoshoot is for our school magazine 2008. Everyone from Sec 1 to Sec 5 are to report promptly at 1pm to the hall, already changed into their uniforms.

Ms Chan

Saturday, July 12, 2008

West Division Day Photos, Updates on National Day, Guides Meeting and NYAA

West Divison Day 2008

Ms Geja and Ms Chan are very pleased with us girls during the West Division Day. We saw all the girls putting in their very best in all the competitions that we have participated. Although we didnt manage to clinch any prizes at the end of the day, we felt that the process was very rewarding.

Sometimes, it is not the product that is important but the process. We have put together a musical item for the talentime through rounds and rounds of practice and hardwork. At the end of the day, we lost the trophy but Huimin knows how to play er-hu, GenNa plays solo on stage and EeNexx knows how to play a new song with the "Merlion".

The Sandwich making group knows how to make and decorate their dish beautifully...

The craft group made a great pair of comfortable slippers which Jolene wore it all the way back home...

The gadget group made the firmest chair ever!! Using physics laws that they have learnt! :)

(Picture in Xingyi's hp)

The card making group make a beautiful card out of recycled materials!

(Picture in Minyi's or Felicia's and Elina's hp)

Not forgetting the team which helps us run the fashion parade show smoothly!! (Nice music by HuiMing's group! And great Emcee by Christina!)

Great Job GIRLS! It is a day for us to remember!

National Day Observance Ceremony
Commander: Hajjar
Reserve Commander: Shivani
Main (National Flag): Shivani
Reserve (National Flag): Xinyi
Main (School Flag): Hidayatul
Reserve (School Flag): Zhou Yan
Main (Pledge Taker): Christina
Reserve (Pledge Taker): Siu Ting
1) CIP - Walkathon cards to be given to SHIVANI by tuesday.
2) Wu-shu with Vincent Ng every tuesday 2.30 to 430pm. (We need to clock 20h!)
PLEASE NOTE THAT POP is postponed to 25th July because Ms Chan and Ms Geja will be going for a course on the 18th.
Guides Meeting will be cancelled on 18th JULY as well due to the good work at West Division Day! Please have your well-deserved break!

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Cross Country and National Day Observance Ceremony 2008

Cross Country

This friday is our school's annual cross country @ Japanese Garden.

The school requires the help of 2 girl guides(in uniform) for the prize presentation table once again. Anyone who is interested can approach either Ms Geja or myself by Thurs.

The rest of the girls can also help to distribute the mineral water bottles to the thirsty runners at the finishing line. :)

Mr Justin Tan needs some of our girls to help wrap the presents for the cross country tomorrow after school at 2pm. If you are interested, please find us at the PE room.


National Day Observance Ceremony 2008

I am proud to say that Girl Guides are chosen by the school to lead the observance ceremony for our National Day Celebration this year.

Hajjar is chosen to be the highly regarded Parade Commander.

Our girl guides (sec 3s only) are also chosen for the below duties:

1 Parade commander reserve
1 State Flag Bearer around 1.6m tall. (3 other State Flag Bearers are from NCC, NPCC and NCDCC)
1 State Flag Bearer Reserve
1 School Flag Bearer (only GG)
1 School Flag Bearer Reserve
1 School Pledge Taker

If you are interested in the above, please leave a comment in this post.


We will be meeting at 730am at the foyer in Yuhua Seconday School on Saturday.

The whole event will last until 3pm. If you wish to leave from Zhenghua Sec School, do inform us beforehand.

Attire will be our black t-shirt with BLUE guides' skirts.

Lunch will be served at Zhenghua Seconday School. Our school will pay for it. We have ordered a vegetarian packet as well for Kinyu.


Pls note for the gadget making group: There is an error in the email they have sent us.

Instead of "50 gadgets of 25 cm and a ball of twine", change it to "15 of the 25cm and 5-6 rolls of twine of sizes 4 or 5, and 2 pairs of scissors".


Last but not least, NYAA participants, please meet me after flag raising tmr at the back of the parade ground for an important annoucement.

Yours in guiding,
Ms Chan HY

Friday, July 4, 2008

More kayaking photos

Other photos of our pretty guides can be found on this link:

Thursday, July 3, 2008

West Division Day Details

The West Division Day 2008 will be held on the 12th July 2008. The details are as follows.

Theme : Discover Your Potential, Every Guide a Leader
Venue : Zhenghua Secondary School, 91 Senja Road
Time : 9am – 3.00pm,
Lunch is provided for $2 per person. (WE HAVE ORDERED FOR OUR GIRLS)


We will be holding several competitions on that day. In order for your brownies and guides to enjoy themselves, we encourage you to enroll them in the following competitions.

Each school is only allowed to send in 1 team per coy. Maximum number of Guides/Brownies per team is 4. Some of the competitions, teams will have to bring their own materials. Your guides are not allowed to participate in the competitions that your school organized.

1. Talentime (Brownies & Guides ) – Sub Theme :Sisterhood/Best Friends
· Please bring along your musical instruments for your performance (singing or dancing)
· Please label your CDs with the school’s name, title of performance and track number that needs to be played for your performance.
· Please ensure that costumes must not be revealing.
· Judging criteria will be given to the school on the day of competition.

2. Fashion Parade (Brownies & Guides )- Sub Theme: National Education(YHSS girls are in charge of this competition)
· Design a camping outfit (using only recycled material) that features the icons of Singapore. Icons may include the Merlion, Natonal Flower, National Flag.
· And also an accessory that goes with the outfit for the camp
· Prepare a short speech not more than 2 minutes to explain the above outfit.

3. Cards Designing (Brownies & Guides)
Each school needs to pay $2 for the materials
Design a Happy Teachers’ Day and Happy Birthday Card using the materials

4. Craft Competition (Brownies & Guides )
The Craft activity is called Survival of the Slipper Challenge and the mission is to create a shoe or slipper.
Each team needs to bring cloth (2pieces), plastic bags (5), aluminum foil (0.5m), string (2m), straws(10), rubber bands(10), newspaper (1 stack), toilet rolls(3), yoghurt cups(2), egg cartons(2), cardboard(2), decorative materials, masking tape, staplers, scissors.

5. Gadget Making (Guides only)
Each team will be given instructions to build the structure.
Please bring 50 gadgets of 25cm long and a ball of twine.

6. Environment Booth (Guides only) – Sub Theme: Reuse ( we didnt take part in this)
To redesign old clothes to make them fashionable.
Things that need to bring are old clothes, fabric paint/beads/sequins/glitter, hangers, newspaper.
Two old clothes have to be re-designed. It can be in any combination (two blouses or one blouse and one pants, or two skirts) and display their products on hangers. The before and after photos will be taken.
Teams will be disqualified if they bring along old clothes that have been re-designed.
Teams will be judged based on their creativity, originality, usability of the re-designed clothes.

7. Environment Activity (Guides only )
· The team will be given a scenario drawing block before the competition.
· The team needs to bring newspaper(3), toilet rolls(2), cardboard(2), raffia string(1.5m), 500ml plastic water bottles(2), aluminum foil (1m), shoeboxes(2), Plastic/foam cups(2), masking tape, scissors, stapler and garbage bags

8. Games (Brownies and Guides)


Human Snake and Ladders
Each group would send 1 representative to be the ‘chess seed’. Each group will take turns to answer a question. If they answer correctly, they can roll the dice to see how many steps their ‘seed’ can advance. If their answer is incorrect, their turn would be forfeited. The questions would mostly be IQ questions. When the ‘seed’ reaches a square that has a ladder, she can advance up the ladder to the square the ladder leads to. However when she reaches a square with a snake, she will have to move backwards down the snake.
The winner will be the team that reaches the end point first.

Treasure Hunt
There will be a few stations. Each team will begin at different station. Each team will receive a map with the station checklist. When team visits the station, a guide will endorse their attendance at the station checklist.
The team has to complete an activity or solve a puzzle before they can get the letter assigned to each station. The activities and puzzles will be extracted from the brownies handbook.
Teams will complete all the stations and at the end of their rounds, they will have to collect some letters to be unscrambled.

9. Quiz Competion (Brownies and Guides)

It will be based on the guides and brownies handbook.
No materials required.

10. Food Related Competition (Brownies and Guides) – Sub Theme: Racial Harmony Sandwich
All ingredients must be halal.
Please bring the ingredients and design the sandwich according to the theme given.
The judging will be based on presentation, creativitiy and explanation (ability to explain what do the different items in the sandwich mean)